10 Best Free SEO Tools
Keeping up with search engine optimisation trends can be time-consuming. The popular belief is that the more features an SEO tool includes, the higher the price. This is somewhat true but fortunately, there are so many free SEO tools and downloadable applications for optimisation purposes that can make your job a whole lot easier. SEO is essential and should be an ongoing process to ensure improvements to your websites organic search rankings and increase the traffic flow to your site. If you own a business, understanding why SEO is important for your online presence and how to optimise your content for a successful online campaign is essential. SEO ensures your website appears on search engine results pages so when a person types in keywords related to your business. Google tools are the backbone of your SEO campaign. There are so many available and here we have put together the leading free SEO tools that will help improve your rankings drastically.
Google page speed insight
This SEO tool measures the performance of both your desktop and mobile site in terms of speed. Your sites page speed is a huge ranking factor. The faster your pages load, the more likely your site is to rank higher and have a better user experience. The mobile results come with a score for user experience, grading areas like font sizes and tap targets.
Google Analytics
This is a must tool for every website. It will allow you to track all traffic on your website and gives you complete power over your site. Google Analytics will give you feedback on the keywords that the visitor to your website used to reach your site. To understand your organic traffic to your site this is the best tool to use. It will allow you to monitor your traffic performance and allow you to compare it to your last performance.

SEOmofo – Google SERP Snippet Optimisation Tool
SEOmofo is a simple tool which allows you to preview what your metadata looks like when it appears on Google. It replicates the appearance of a snippet in Googles SERPs which allows SEOs to optimise a page title and description for maximum click-through rate.
Google Mobile-Friendly Test
If you enter a URL into the test site in just a few seconds it will let you know whether or not your website is mobile-friendly. If your website is mobile friendly, the tool will give you suggestions on other ways to further optimise your site for mobile devices. These suggestions can include sizing content to a viewport, appropriately sizing tap targets, and legible font sizes.
Copyscape is a simple online tool to detect plagiarism content. Simply put in the URL it will then check if there is any text similar anywhere else on the internet. It is essential to have unique content on your website in order for it to rank high on any search engine.

Pingdom Website Speed Test
This tool is one of the most well-known websites for speed testing. There are 4 different sections in the reports which include page analysis, history, waterfall breakdown, and performance grade. The results of the speed test provide you with performance insights which outline where you can make improvements. The results also breakdown the page size by content type, requests by domain, page size by domain, and requests by content type.
Yoast SEO
Yoast tool is recommended if you are creating content in WordPress. It analyses how SEO friendly your content is. It incorporates many features to help you optimise your content for search results, such as meta descriptions, snippet generator, and image titles. Based on your desired keywords it will help you customise and create XML sitemaps among many other things.
Screaming Frog SEO Spider
Screaming Frog is a small desktop program you can install locally on any PC. It evaluates onsite SEO factors including server errors, duplicate pages, blocked URLs, and broken links. SEO spider can also crawl your website to analyze meta and title descriptions to determine that required relevance and length. This tool can crawl up to 500 pages with the free version.

This tool was developed to allow you find out and calculate the characters of your written content. It delivers accurate results and will tell you how short or long your content is. Whether you aim to inform, to entertain, or to persuade you can now make sure your article or blog will be engaging to the reader in all the right ways. Especially in marketing, the length of the material could have a huge factor in determining whether your readers would buy your product or not.
Keywords Everywhere
Keyword research is critical for a successful SEO campaign and this is where keywords everywhere is one of the most effective tools for this. Without this tool, you wouldn’t know how to effectively optimise a website and what search terms to target. It can be easily installed on either Firefox or Chrome. This free tool is going to save you a lot of time. Keywords everywhere will let you find long tail phrases with their accurate search volume, competition data, and CPC. By using this extension, you will not need to switch between a tool and google keyword planner.

Whichever tools you decide to work with, it is important to make sure that you are maximising the value of it. Experimentation and implementation are perhaps the most important aspects to consider with search engine optimisation. Following through and executing these tools will benefit your business immensely.